Congratulations to the Freedom Aquatics swimmers that competed at the 2024 Eastern Zone Open Water Championships this past weekend! Freedom Aquatics swimmers that competed were – Pelagia Chazov, Aryan Cherukuri, Rayane Ould abbou, Rafael Tkach and Daniil Zabolotckii. Congratulations to all our Freedom Swimmers for competing in 5k and 2.5k events. Our swimmers
Congratulations to the Freedom Aquatics swimmers that competed at the 2024 NJRC Summer Showdown (YARDS) this past weekend! Freedom Aquatics swimmers that competed were – Daniel Badovych, Jacqueline Breytus, Tessa Bukhtiyaroff, Arnav Cherukuri, Mia Feygels, Grace Knudsen, Emily Korenblit, Lev Pinchuk, Nikita Saharov, Tone Sealy, Theo Sergeev, Catherine Sonin, Kyle Wang, Noah Wang, Ethan