Congratulations to Freedom Aquatics swimmers on their great performances on Day 1 and 2 of the 2023 Short Course Age Group Championships (ZONES).
We are happy to announce that we have scheduled an additional Tryout date at our new ESCNJ location. We are now scheduling tryouts for Saturday 4/1! Please visit our website to book a tryout!
Congratulations to the Freedom Aquatics swimmers that competed at the 2023 ISCA International Senior Cup this past weekend! Freedom Aquatics swimmers that competed were – Elizabeth Bailey-Hamm, Pelagia Chazov, Andrew Kravtsov, Connor McGeary, Trevor Mulvey, Dillon Singer, Corey Su. Congratulations to Dillon Singer competing in an A and multiple C Finals, Pelagia Chazov for competing
Awards ceremonies were recently held at our RBYMCA, BSC and Poly Prep locations. At these ceremonies we recognized our swimmers accomplishments at meets held in February and March. Congratulations to all swimmers on their achievements.
Congratulations to the Freedom Aquatics swimmers that competed at the 2023 MR 15-18 Age Group Challenge (Team Challenge) this past weekend! Freedom Aquatics swimmers that competed were – Elizabeth Bailey-Hamm, Pelagia Chazov, Samantha Gallo, Russell Geller, Ian Gomez, Andrew Kravtsov, Andrew Krivenko, Ian Laskey, Justin Lerner, Angelina Lin, Dylan Liu, Connor McGeary, Trevor Mulvey, Eyton
Congratulations to the Freedom Aquatics swimmers that competed at the Age Group Champs (former Junior Olympics) this past weekend! Freedom Aquatics swimmers that competed were – Michael Attenborough, Andriy Badovych, LiamKorenblit, Vincent Liu, Matthew Temni, Grace Esposito, Cheri Huang, Cassidy Chin, Dennis Audzeyev, Elan Katselnik, Alexis Yu, TimStrochkov, Donato D’Amelio, Sofia Kuznetsova, Anna Suharev,